Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I know we can all be friends

Call @ 9.42pm

Me: Hello? Yeah, just read out everything. Every single word can already lah

Joanne: Huh. Can you call back around 10plus?

Me: Whyyyyyy.

Joanne: Cause I'm busy now! (Can hear her rolling her eyes)

Me: Busy doing what!

Joanne: ...

Me: Having sex right!

Joanne: OMG HOW YOU KNOW AH??????


Joanne, you make me laugh. :D I am reminded once again why I married you. HAHA.

Went out with Clare and Pamela. I made them wait for two hours. :D What can I say, I have a reputation to keep! :D Ate lunch before walking around for like 4 hours or something. In the end I only bought ONE shirt. HAHAHA.Clare and Pamela didn't even buy anything, omg. O: And it's just a plain orange polo tee. But it was fun! Especially when we slacked at Starbucks. The sandwhich was delicious. :D

Called my mother a million times, but she didn't pick up at all ): I called her so many times I could memorize the song that plays when I'm calling her!

I know that we can all be friends, I know that this will never end, I know that we can all be friends. I got the letter that you sent, I think I know just what you meant, I know that we can all be friends etc. HAHAHA

My lime green/bright yellow singlet turned heads. HAHA.

Mingrui is getting me super excited about the class gathering next week! :D I seriously can't wait. Fun in the sun, baby!

Nadia is seriously super smart. O: I would never have thought of leaving the jersey in the hockey storeroom so she would get it. HAHAHA.

Okay, better go finish packing and sleep. Gotta be refreshed for NACli so I don't die. (:

1 comment:

  1. um for the song you said you heard the one that goes I know that we can all be friends. i was wondering if you could tell me the artist and name of the song if you know. thanks you can email me at chan_family1@hotmail.com. thanks alot
