Sunday, May 31, 2009


I don't think I can take it much longer. 

I can't wait for training tomorrow, I need to vent anger. 

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stadium lights, shine so bright.

Hooookay. Tuesday, the SAF chinese ensemble/band and Acapella group came to school and they were so cool! Okay, the Acapella group was cooler, but maybe that's because I don't have an interest in traditional chinese music. The beatboxer from the Acapella group was seriously so cool! And they really can sing. :D They sang I'm yours and Ain't no sunshineeeeee. Made me so happy. (:

Tuesday was also the first day of the umpiring course thing. Theory was so, so boring. D: Match was really fun! STC had 15 people, and all the other schools combined (Including the guys) made up only 15 people. Played full match. THE GUYS ARE SO GOOD O: O: It's one thing to see them play from the stands, but it's an entirely other thing to actually be on the pitch watching them play. 

Wednesday was the second day. Played hangman with Joanne during theory. HAHA. MATCH WAS SO FUN. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. Seriously. I felt so light hearted after training. :D We were the only girls who played with guys. They were as good as usual and so hilarious! It made me really miss being in a mixed school, cause guys are so funny and they can really brighten up your day. Lessons are hilarious, when they're around as well. Girls' school lessons can be so quiet and boring sometimes. :/ 

Oh, and Thursday was the first day of the house camp. Not sure how it went yet, cause I wasn't there. ):

Yesterday was the last day of school, last day of school, and last day of the umpiring course. ): Guess which was the only thing that didn't make me sad? HAHA. House camp was so fun that I didn't want to leave. Umpiring course was HALARIOUS. All of us (Jiaqi, Joanne, Aqeela and I) passed the test! This means that we only have to complete our attatchment before we can get our certificates! HAHA awesome.

Anyways, happy day after your birthday Andrea! Yeah you suck alot and you are SUPER irritating and you owe me one pants pulling down. :D 

HAHA the blood mobile! For all 3G3 people who read this. Awesome song. :D

EH, Aqeela Joanne and Jiaqi, this should totally be our signature style okay! :D

Okay bored, time to see what else I can do. :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

Like slow spinning redemption

JUST A FEW MORE DAYS STILL JUNE HOLIDAYS BEGINNNNNNNNNNNNNN! I cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait. The June holidays honestly cannot come soon enough. I can almost taste the freedom already. 

Anyways today was pretty uneventful. Everyone made fun of my screwed up fringe. :/ Got to miss lessons to go for umpiring course. It was quite funny. Half the row in front of us were sleeping. O: Hangman-ed with Joanne. :D 

After the course Jiaqi, Joanne, Aqeela and I planned to go eat cause we were starving throughout the whole thing, but Joanne's mum came to pick her up. Jiaqi, Aqeela and I got semi  lost and Aqeela and I ended up eating at Bukit Merah's macs (Jiaqi and to go to JB????) We had planned to go to Raffles City! HAHA. 

Went to Queensway to stock up on my brother's and mother's contact stash and my mum fell in love with the spectacle frames at one of the optical shops. Green especially. O: 

I'm kinda nervous about the practical sessions cause I'm so rusty D: 

Wow, serious drama on channel 8 now O:

Contacts are burning my eyeballs now. Better go take them out. 

But before I go, 

Freaking cute! HAHA. (Btw, for all the people who don't know, the dog's sleep walking :D)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do you know the ice cream man?

As you can see, I'm back, and I have survived OBS. Forgive me for not blogging for ages, but I've had no motivation to, and my life is oh so boring. 

Had the first school training after not training for so so long. I have seriously lost the little skill I actually possessed before. ): Although due to my horrible, terrible, vegetable sunburn I couldn't wear shin guards and socks so I was terribly terrified I would get whacked by the ball. And everyone was really rusty so balls were flying everywhere. Paniccccccccc. Played 5 aside with some of the juniors and my group- Phoebe, Jiaqi, Joanne, Aqeela and I, lost to the Cdiv group we were playing against. HAHA. But it was funnnnnn. 

After training I got my hair cut. My fringe is veryyyyyyyyyy short now. D: 

That.. Sums up my whole day. HAHA, I'm so pathetic. 

Digressing, there's only FIVE DAYS of school before the June holidays. Yes, FIVE! I've already written down the things I want to do and I absolutely cannot wait! I'll post up some day soon, when I'm not so lazy. (: 

On a completely random note, Feeling groovy, by Simon and Garfunkel is such a cute song! Say hello to my new Alarm ringtone! HAHA.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

You're mean in England ):

1 word (Although it doesn't really qualify as a word): OBS.

See you when I come back, folks!

I sincerely can't wait! :D :D :D

Friday, May 8, 2009

But they vacuum you when you sleep!


Now, if I manage not to fail everything, I will be a very, very happy girl. (:

I didn't go out today, unlike everyone else. A lot of people tried to get me to go out with their friend but it would be so weird and I would be so extra, so I didn't. But it was nice to know I have so many friends that want me to go out and have fun with them. (Touched)

Besides, it's no one's fault, because I didn't make any plans. I can't help it if I'm anti-social and unfriendly. HAHAHA.

Soooooooooo, I have nothing to do today except watch Simpsons, Friends, 9 0'clock chinese show and Howcast! :D For those who don't know what howcast is, h e r e are some examples. :D Go watch all 4 (and more), they're really funny. Some are actually quite helpful, but those are just exmaples of the retarded ones. (:

Also, if you're bored, take a trip with Charlie the Unicon. HAHAHA. Watch all okay, really funny! (:

And....... College Humour! They have a hugeeeeeeeeeee range of videos that will seriously make you laugh till you die. Someone has seriously got to teach me how to upload videos onto my blog. D: I'm so un-tech savvy. The song in the first video is superrrrrrrrr catchy. I can't get it out of my head. "I didn't start the flame war"

Anyways, the OBS groupings are out! Did you know that OBS actually stood for Outward Bound Singapore? I always thought it stood for Outward bound School. O: It's this Monday! I can't believe how fast time flies. And I also can't believe how lucky I got in term of my watch mates! I got Krystal, Hazel, Kem, Joey, Ji Min, Si Hui (Even though I don't know her, but she seems nice :D), Jiaqi, Aqeela and Cassandra! Omg I'm seriously so luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I have to go buy all the OBS stuff soonnnnnn. Long sleeves and long pantssss, ah, how am I going to get themmmm. And it'll be so hot. ): But it's still going to be so awesome. During the briefing today, they showed us this video about OBS. So awesome!

Oh, I bought half frame specs yesterday, even though my current ones are still working. I couldn't believe it when my mother told me that she allowed me to get. And that was when I asked for frameless. O: This is the longest time I've gone without breaking them so I guess that's why.

And I realized I hadn't uploaded the photos from that day when Pamela, Phoebe and I went to the library, so here they are.

I like the pig face oneeee.

The NJ uniform is so comfortableeeee. (: The border of the pictures uploaded here look so niceeeee.

Oh, did anyone here about The Mas Salamat Capture and The Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer? Interestingggg. And WATCH THE TRAILER! My heart keeps beating so fast and I feel so excited everytime I watch it! Who wants to go watch? :D :D I can't wait I can't waitttttttt.

Hokay, that's all for now folks :D


P.p.s KRIS ALLEN GOT INTO TOP THREEEEEEEEEE. :D :D Although I've only heard him sing once, he's awesome! (: Hope he gets into finals. (Cross fingers)

Why is the text so screwed up when view in Mozilla ):

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chitty chitty bang bang

Why does it seem like on the days seem really pretty with nice weather I'm cooped up inside studying? It's not fair. ):

I don't think I'm going to be able to finish studying bio by today (Makes me wonder what I'm doing here) Dejavu from yesterday mannnn. Half my geog paper was things I made up or vaguely remember reading/typing some time or another.

I can't wait for OBS. I'm already tired of the school life. Half the year has already past. I'm unsure if that's fast or not. I don't think it's the latter.

Well, it's 7.30pm and I'm only halfway through nutrients. 71 more pages of the textbook. I can forget about sleeping.

If the bio paper tomorrow is half as hard as the previous year's mid year exams, I'm a sure goner. Which is already kind of comfirmed already.

Oh, woe is me. ):

Friday, May 1, 2009

Could be a night when your life ends

I'm sitting here in my living room learning about diffusion, listening to the sounds of children playing football at the playground.

Exams really suck.


Today was a complete waste of time. I think the reason why I'm not panicking and studying is because I know that I'm already going to fail so there's no point trying to cram. I've really given up on myself this time. I'm slowly and steadily starting to hate school more and more. Yeah, surprise to me too that I didn't exactly hate it before.

Anyways, enough of this depressing talk! Go to here! It's super funny and it gave me so much comic relief you have no idea. It's a facebook group about things you can do if you're going into an exam that you already know you're going to fail. I don't know, maybe I should try them.

And for all those people that were wondering why I keep calling Zac Effron a ninja: The truth revealed. Here you go!

Okay back to "studying".

7 more days. 7 more days. 7 more days.