Monday, May 25, 2009

Like slow spinning redemption

JUST A FEW MORE DAYS STILL JUNE HOLIDAYS BEGINNNNNNNNNNNNNN! I cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait. The June holidays honestly cannot come soon enough. I can almost taste the freedom already. 

Anyways today was pretty uneventful. Everyone made fun of my screwed up fringe. :/ Got to miss lessons to go for umpiring course. It was quite funny. Half the row in front of us were sleeping. O: Hangman-ed with Joanne. :D 

After the course Jiaqi, Joanne, Aqeela and I planned to go eat cause we were starving throughout the whole thing, but Joanne's mum came to pick her up. Jiaqi, Aqeela and I got semi  lost and Aqeela and I ended up eating at Bukit Merah's macs (Jiaqi and to go to JB????) We had planned to go to Raffles City! HAHA. 

Went to Queensway to stock up on my brother's and mother's contact stash and my mum fell in love with the spectacle frames at one of the optical shops. Green especially. O: 

I'm kinda nervous about the practical sessions cause I'm so rusty D: 

Wow, serious drama on channel 8 now O:

Contacts are burning my eyeballs now. Better go take them out. 

But before I go, 

Freaking cute! HAHA. (Btw, for all the people who don't know, the dog's sleep walking :D)


  1. HAHA OMG THE DOG LOOKS LIKE ITS HAVING A SPASM!!!!! Isit like sleep running or something :O

  2. YEAHHHH. HAHAH IT WAS SLEEPING. Okay I better add that on.
