Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do you know the ice cream man?

As you can see, I'm back, and I have survived OBS. Forgive me for not blogging for ages, but I've had no motivation to, and my life is oh so boring. 

Had the first school training after not training for so so long. I have seriously lost the little skill I actually possessed before. ): Although due to my horrible, terrible, vegetable sunburn I couldn't wear shin guards and socks so I was terribly terrified I would get whacked by the ball. And everyone was really rusty so balls were flying everywhere. Paniccccccccc. Played 5 aside with some of the juniors and my group- Phoebe, Jiaqi, Joanne, Aqeela and I, lost to the Cdiv group we were playing against. HAHA. But it was funnnnnn. 

After training I got my hair cut. My fringe is veryyyyyyyyyy short now. D: 

That.. Sums up my whole day. HAHA, I'm so pathetic. 

Digressing, there's only FIVE DAYS of school before the June holidays. Yes, FIVE! I've already written down the things I want to do and I absolutely cannot wait! I'll post up some day soon, when I'm not so lazy. (: 

On a completely random note, Feeling groovy, by Simon and Garfunkel is such a cute song! Say hello to my new Alarm ringtone! HAHA.

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