Friday, May 8, 2009

But they vacuum you when you sleep!


Now, if I manage not to fail everything, I will be a very, very happy girl. (:

I didn't go out today, unlike everyone else. A lot of people tried to get me to go out with their friend but it would be so weird and I would be so extra, so I didn't. But it was nice to know I have so many friends that want me to go out and have fun with them. (Touched)

Besides, it's no one's fault, because I didn't make any plans. I can't help it if I'm anti-social and unfriendly. HAHAHA.

Soooooooooo, I have nothing to do today except watch Simpsons, Friends, 9 0'clock chinese show and Howcast! :D For those who don't know what howcast is, h e r e are some examples. :D Go watch all 4 (and more), they're really funny. Some are actually quite helpful, but those are just exmaples of the retarded ones. (:

Also, if you're bored, take a trip with Charlie the Unicon. HAHAHA. Watch all okay, really funny! (:

And....... College Humour! They have a hugeeeeeeeeeee range of videos that will seriously make you laugh till you die. Someone has seriously got to teach me how to upload videos onto my blog. D: I'm so un-tech savvy. The song in the first video is superrrrrrrrr catchy. I can't get it out of my head. "I didn't start the flame war"

Anyways, the OBS groupings are out! Did you know that OBS actually stood for Outward Bound Singapore? I always thought it stood for Outward bound School. O: It's this Monday! I can't believe how fast time flies. And I also can't believe how lucky I got in term of my watch mates! I got Krystal, Hazel, Kem, Joey, Ji Min, Si Hui (Even though I don't know her, but she seems nice :D), Jiaqi, Aqeela and Cassandra! Omg I'm seriously so luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I have to go buy all the OBS stuff soonnnnnn. Long sleeves and long pantssss, ah, how am I going to get themmmm. And it'll be so hot. ): But it's still going to be so awesome. During the briefing today, they showed us this video about OBS. So awesome!

Oh, I bought half frame specs yesterday, even though my current ones are still working. I couldn't believe it when my mother told me that she allowed me to get. And that was when I asked for frameless. O: This is the longest time I've gone without breaking them so I guess that's why.

And I realized I hadn't uploaded the photos from that day when Pamela, Phoebe and I went to the library, so here they are.

I like the pig face oneeee.

The NJ uniform is so comfortableeeee. (: The border of the pictures uploaded here look so niceeeee.

Oh, did anyone here about The Mas Salamat Capture and The Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer? Interestingggg. And WATCH THE TRAILER! My heart keeps beating so fast and I feel so excited everytime I watch it! Who wants to go watch? :D :D I can't wait I can't waitttttttt.

Hokay, that's all for now folks :D


P.p.s KRIS ALLEN GOT INTO TOP THREEEEEEEEEE. :D :D Although I've only heard him sing once, he's awesome! (: Hope he gets into finals. (Cross fingers)

Why is the text so screwed up when view in Mozilla ):


  1. Jaya: There is my friend Adlina in your group too.She is really awesome too(: Omg your group has so many awesome ppl. But I have jeralyn in my group((:

  2. HAHA COOOLLLLL. Apparently there's alot nice people in my group. :D HAHA, ARE YOU SURE THAT'S A GOOD THING?

  3. Yes!! You are like damn lucky???? :(

  4. Hahah. Well..., now you have got me thinking. HAHAH

  5. Hanru: HAHA YEAH I KNOW. I keep telling everyone that good things happen to good people! Since I'm so nice and awesome and loveable and etc good things happen to me! (:

    Jaya: HAHAHA YESSSSSSS. Eh but both of you are terrified of water so GOOD LUCK!
